Representatives of UNEATLANTICO visit the Algebra University on the occasion of a meeting of the DIVERSE alliance

05 Feb 2024
Representatives of UNEATLANTICO visit the Algebra University on the occasion of a meeting of the DIVERSE alliance

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) attends the ordinary meeting of the DIVERSE alliance represented by the vice-secretary general, Jesús Peña; the professor and director of the International Relations Office (ORI), Juan Luis Vidal; and Leticia Díaz Arribas, member of the ORI.

The Algebra University in Zagreb (Croatia) has hosted a regular meeting of the DIVERSE alliance of European universities, which served as a platform for the partners, including UNEATLANTICO, to discuss the intensification of collaboration in higher education, research, and development. The aim is to contribute to economic development and global competitiveness in Europe, as well as to the evolution of society at regional, national, and European level.

The concept around which the partners develop their collaboration is known as risk science. This multidisciplinary approach orients scientific research activities towards the search for specific scientific and technological solutions to contemporary societal problems. The challenges that the partner institutions will work on are mainly related to sustainable economic growth through the circular economy, lifelong learning, and personal and social well-being.

One of the main points of the Zagreb meeting was the review of existing student mobility pathways between the partner institutions and the initiation of new collaborative activities aimed at fostering mobility. This is one of the key objectives of the DIVERSE alliance of European universities, as they aim to promote student and staff mobility among partner higher education institutions. As part of the mobility promotion plan, special emphasis will be placed on innovative forms of collaboration, such as the Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) within the Erasmus+ program and the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).

Finally, the partners have agreed to hold their next joint meeting in May, during International Mobility Week, at the UNEATLANTICO campus.