Laura Nicholls participates in a round table organized by UNEATLANTICO on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.

11 Oct 2024
Laura Nicholls participates in a round table organized by UNEATLANTICO on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.

Laura Nicholls, Olympic medalist, three-time European champion with the Spanish women’s basketball team and current player of UNEATLANTICO Balonmano Pereda, participated in a round table at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.

The discussion was moderated by Isabel Diego, teacher and head of the psycho-pedagogical office of UNEATLANTICO, and counted with the participation of Dr. Juan Luis Martín, director of the degree in Psychology at the university. The talk generated great interest among students of the degrees in Psychology (PSI), Primary Education (EP) and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFYD), who had the opportunity to interact with Nicholls in a round of questions.

During the round table, topics such as neurodivergences and their consequences, such as lack of concentration, learning difficulties, lack of social skills and stress management were addressed. Nicholls shared her personal experience from a young age as well as a professional basketball player, opining on the reality of mental health in the world of sports.

The conversation highlighted the expectations and pressures placed on athletes, along with the demand to achieve perfection. In addition, the difficulty many athletes face in talking openly about their mental health was discussed, a topic that Nicholls said should be normalized and prioritized.

Finally, Nicholls expressed how sport changed her life: “I am very grateful to basketball because it has saved me, literally and metaphorically.”

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every October 10, with the aim of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of this issue. It was established by the World Federation for Mental Health in 1992 and is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Each year, a specific theme is selected to highlight key aspects of mental health, promoting dialogue and awareness. This day also seeks to combat the stigma associated with mental disorders and promote greater access to treatment and support.

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Tags: World Mental Health Day, Dr. Juan Luis Martín, degree in CAFYD, degree in Primary Education, degree in Psychology, Isabel Diego, Laura Nicholls, roundtable, UNEATLANTICO , UNEATLANTICO