International experts in engineering and research visit the Universidad Europea del Atlántico campus

20 Oct 2023
International experts in engineering and research visit the Universidad Europea del Atlántico campus

The campus of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) was visited by leading international experts in the field of engineering and research in search of academic and scientific collaboration between the different universities involved.

The visit was attended by María Teresita Benzzo, full A professor and researcher at the School of Engineering and Water Sciences of the National University of Littoral in Argentina, as well as head of the Environmental Engineering Research Laboratory and director of the Food Safety program at the Catholic University of Argentina. Also present was Marieth Baquero Almazo, a young researcher from the In3 Engineering Research Institute of the Cooperative University of Colombia under the leadership of Professor Fernando Colmenares, PhD. In addition, Alberto Coz Fernández, professor at the University of Cantabria and deputy director of International Relations at the School of Nautical Engineering, joined the visit on behalf of the Department of Chemistry and Process and Resources Engineering.

During their stay at UNEATLANTICO, the experts were received by the rector of the university, Rubén Calderón, and had the opportunity to explore possible avenues of collaboration in research projects between the different universities. The possibility of establishing international collaboration through the University’s Office of International Relations (ORI) has also been discussed.

The visit of these leading international experts represents a unique opportunity for UNEATLANTICO. Research collaboration strengthens the university’s network and encourages participation in joint projects with other academic institutions. In addition, this international collaboration contributes to the enrichment of students’ academic training, providing them with opportunities for learning and growth in a global context.

UNEATLANTICO will continue to promote the exchange of knowledge and the generation of innovative research that contributes to the development of society.