Dr. Iñaki Elio participates in the course “NUTRISANIT: Health Nutrition” with a clinical case on adaptation of diet to exercise

10 Apr 2024
Dr. Iñaki Elio participates in the course “NUTRISANIT: Health Nutrition” with a clinical case on adaptation of diet to exercise

Dr. Iñaki Elio participates in the course “NUTRISANIT: Health Nutrition” with a clinical case on adaptation of diet to exercise.
The director of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics participates in NUTRISANIT.
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Dr. Laura Monje Pardo, Coordinator of the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Service of the Hospital Centro Médico de Asturias and Dr. María Jesús Cabrero Pérez, Head of the Pediatrics Service of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, lead the NUTRISANIT course, which aims to increase the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain and improve competence in the most prevalent nutritional problems. For his part, Iñaki Elío, director of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) participates in the module on influences of child and adolescent health, presenting the clinical case “Adaptation of diet to physical exercise. Consumption of supplements, good use or abuse?”

The course will be available until September 30 and is aimed at health professionals in the field of Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Endocrinology, Oncology, Geriatrics and other health professionals such as Dietitians-Nutritionists, Clinical Psychologists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Residents and students, dedicated to the field of Clinical Nutrition and Hospital Dietetics.

The objectives of the course are to provide an overview of Clinical Nutrition, while focusing on the most important and innovative aspects of nutrition in adults, with an update on nutritional therapy of the most prevalent pathologies, as well as nutrition in the pediatric age including from the intrauterine phase to adolescence, and diseases in which food plays a highly relevant role.

In this line, the teacher of UNEATLANTICO brings his knowledge through the presentation of a clinical case that aims to show how certain messages about food and sports performance in young people can cause problems of body dysmorphia, hormonal alterations and health. This is something that we can observe more and more, with the popularization of social networks and a cult of the body that in many cases can be unattainable or difficult to maintain over time.

According to Elío “it is important to establish healthy nutritional bases, providing the necessary amount of macronutrients and micronutrients that allow a correct sports performance as well as good health and growth. Without demonizing food groups or generating body dysmorphia.”