Dr. Carlos Lago, academic director of the degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFYD) at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), participates in the virtual conference of the Conference of Deans of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
At the meeting, various relevant issues in the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences profession were addressed. On the one hand, statistics on the current profile of graduates at the conference’s member universities were presented, revealing interesting data and proposals to boost the female profile in the degree.
In addition, an analysis is proposed on the profile and the number of subjects recognizable to students coming from training cycles, such as the Higher Technician in Physical Conditioning (TSAF) and the Higher Technician in Social Sports Education and Animation (TSEAS), among others.
Likewise, there was discussion about the current situation of the study plans and their adjustment to Royal Decree 822/2021 on the organization of degree courses and specialization profiles, if these exist in each university.
Finally, data was presented regarding the types of Final Degree Projects that lead to the final award of the degree. The debate focused on the weight of research in these projects, something present in the options available to UNEATLANTICO undergraduate students, both in the form of original study and bibliographic review, where several of them have already been published in scientific journals indexed in SJR and JCR.
About the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
The degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFYD) at UNEATLANTICO focuses on training professionals capable of planning, organizing, regulating, directing and evaluating the different practices related to physical activity and sport, in management, physical preparation, technical direction, personal training, both for health and performance, physical-sport readaptation and teaching.
In this sense, the objective of the degree in CAFYD is to provide graduates with sufficient training to enable them to pursue job opportunities related to the field of physical activity and sport.