Dr. Angel Rojas, professor at UNEATLANTICO, participates in four scientific articles in the field of psychology

23 Jul 2024
Dr. Angel Rojas, professor at UNEATLANTICO, participates in four scientific articles in the field of psychology

The professor of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), Dr. Angel Olider Rojas Vistorte, has published during this year 2024 several articles in the field of psychology.

The first of these, entitled “Integration of artificial intelligence to assess emotions in learning environments: a systematic review of the literature”, written in collaboration with Juan Luis Martín-Ayala, academic director of the Degree in Psychology (PSI) at UNEATLANTICO, and Ángel Deroncele-Acosta, Ángel Barrasa, Caridad López-Granero and Mariacarla Martí-González, in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, has addressed the importance of AI to revolutionize educational practices through the assessment of emotions.
In another, entitled “The positive mental health of Latin American university teachers: A scientific framework for intervention and improvement”, Dr. Rojas, together with Ángel Deroncele-Acosta, Andresa Sartor-Harada, Oscar Ulloa-Guerra, Rosendo López-Mustelier and Alejandro Cruzata-Martínez, sought to establish a proposal for the promotion of positive mental health.
She has also participated in the project “Mediterranean Diet and Sleep Characteristics: A Systematic Review of Current Evidence”, in which, together with Vanessa Yélamos, professor at UNEATLANTICO, Justyna Godos, Raffaele Ferri, Giuseppe Lanza, Filippo Caraci, Giuseppe Grosso and Sabrina Castellano, investigate the possibility that diet quality influences sleep characteristics.
Finally, Dr. Rojas has participated in the study “Adaptive neighborhood rough set model for hybrid data processing: a case study on Parkinson’s disease behavioral analysis”, with the aim of contributing to the analysis of existing hybrid data processing models. Researchers Imran Raza, Muhammad Hasan Jamal, Rizwan Qureshi, Abdul Karim Shahid, Md Abdus Samad and Imran Ashraf are also included.
However, for other scientific articles, please visit the UNEATLANTICO repository and the University’s research news portal.