Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres publishes two scientific researches on football players’ evaluation

27 Sep 2024
Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres publishes two scientific researches on football players’ evaluation
Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres publishes two research papers.

Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres, coordinator of the PhD Programme in Physical Activity and Sport: Risks and Benefits and teaching and research staff at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has published two scientific investigations on the evaluation of body composition and somatotype and the risk of injury in professional football players.

The first article is entitled Exploring body composition and somatotype profiles among youth professional soccer players, which aimed to analyse the body composition and somatotype of professional football players, investigating variations between categories and playing positions. The article was published in the IOS Press Journal, to read more you can access through this link: https://doi.org/10.3233/MNM-240038.

Finally, Dr. Álvaro Velarde was the main author of a scientific communication entitled Assessment Of Lower Limb Asymmetries In Soccer Players According To The Stage Of The Season, whose objective was to analyse muscle asymmetries in the lower limbs in football players, using the countermovement jump (CMJ) by means of the OptoGait measurement system as an assessment tool. The aim was to identify risk factors for injury during different periods of the sporting season. To find out the results, the article is available at this link: https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0001057736.46451.0d.

For his part, Dr. Velarde Sotres stresses ‘the importance of carrying out scientific studies and an evaluation of the players’ performance in order to implement individualised training strategies and prevent injuries’.

To consult other scientific articles, you can access the UNEATLANTICO repository and the University’s research news portal.