Vicente Bayarri, teacher at UNEATLANTICO, published as co-author in Remote Sensing journal

15 Jul 2024
Vicente Bayarri, teacher at UNEATLANTICO, published as co-author in Remote Sensing journal

Dr. Vicente Bayarri, professor at the Polytechnic School of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), has participated in the writing of an article focused on the conservation of prehistoric paintings, resulting in its publication in the journal Remote Sensing.

The journal Remote Sensing (Q1 within the publications in this field), has published the article entitled “Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Analysis of Pigment Migrations in Cave of Altamira’s Prehistoric Paintings“, an article focused on the conservation of the historical paintings of the Polychrome room of the cave in Altamira, Cantabria. It was co-written by Bayarri, Alfredo Prada, Francisco García, Carmen de las Heras and Pilar Fatás.
Its focus was on the conservation of the historical paintings in the cave of Altamira, the different strategies that can be taken to conserve the art, taking into consideration the climatic aspects and human activity that can affect the art.
For the research, they conducted a high-resolution 3D study of the cave, with the objective of being able to navigate the cave without being physically present. In addition, they monitored the dynamics of the water surface on the ceiling and its correlation with pigmentation and other substances that may affect it. In this way, they were able to study the cave in depth and without damaging it, in order to better understand the effects of deterioration.
Bayarri has published a series of articles in various journals. Earlier this year, two different articles were published in the journals Sensors and again in Remote Sensing. In Sensors magazine, an article was published on the integration of remote sensing, geomatics and ground penetrating radar technologies to generate documentation for caves and their surroundings.
Link to the article:
On the other hand, in the Remote Sensing magazine, the published article was focused on the complexity of conservation of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Altamira Cave.
Link to the article: