Universidad Europea del Atlántico supports the call for the FUNIBER 2024 Merit Scholarship in Colombia

24 Jul 2024
Universidad Europea del Atlántico supports the call for the FUNIBER 2024 Merit Scholarship in Colombia


The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) is one of the universities supporting the “FUNIBER 2024 Merit Scholarship” sponsored by Fundación Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) in Colombia.

This initiative offers a full scholarship to pursue graduate studies in educational institutions of the university network in which UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER participate. The university network is made up of educational institutions with a presence in Europe, Africa and America. The scholarship will give students the opportunity to study virtually in one of these institutions, in the area of knowledge of their interest.

Application period
Applications will be open from July 22 to August 2, 2024. The result will be published in our official communication channels on August 17.

Description of the Merit Scholarship 2024

  • Two full scholarships will be awarded, valid for graduate studies in master’s degree or specialization, in virtual modality.
  • One scholarship will be awarded for a master’s degree and the other for a specialization.
  • The scholarships will cover the total cost of tuition and must be used within 30 days of being awarded. Studies must be completed within the time frame established by the selected academic program.
  • The scholarship is unique and non-transferable.
  • The applicant must comply with the selection process carried out by FUNIBER.

Requirements to apply

  • Colombian Nationality.
  • Current residence in Colombia.
  • Possess undergraduate studies.
  • Three years of work experience in the area of knowledge of the requested master’s degree or specialization.
  • Academic record.
  • Updated resume or curriculum vitae.
  • Three letters of recommendation from professionals related to the area of knowledge to which the applicant applies.
  • Letter of application for admission.
  • 3×4 photograph with blue background.
  • The documents must be sent to colombia@funiber.org during the application period, indicating in the subject “Applicant Merit Scholarship FUNIBER Colombia 2024”.

Selection Process

The FUNIBER Colombia Scholarship Committee will evaluate the documentation received. A pre-selection will be made based on the established requirements, followed by interviews of the selected applicants. The final results will be communicated on August 17, 2024.