The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) signed an agreement with the Spanish Committee for UNICEF with the aim of helping to improve the development of children throughout the world.
The collaboration between the three institutions considers awareness campaigns on the situation of the most vulnerable children. Such campaigns are destined to students, teaching staff, and university staff. Likewise, UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER will support and disseminate the UNICEF campaigns and emergency appeals.
One of the most notable actions within the framework of this agreement will be the possibility for students to collaborate with UNICEF at the time of enrollment in any of the UNEATLANTICO’s or FUNIBER’s academic programs. All the funds raised through this and other exceptional actions, such as sporting events, will be destined to the UNICEF programs for children.

The collaboration agreement has been signed this morning, on the one party by Rubén Calderón Iglesias, the European University of the Atlantic’s Chancellor, also as the Iberoamerican University Foundation’s representative, and on the other party by Esperanza Botella Pombo, the President of the UNICEF National Committee in Cantabria.
Calderón emphasized that “signing this agreement represents the first step in a job that will be developing between the three institutions.” On behalf of the University and, concretely, of the Cooperation and Social Action Office, he stated that “we are strongly committed to this collaboration and we are very enthusiastic about it. We hope that all the university community will join us”.
Esperanza Botella, seized the opportunity to thank “the unfettered availability of UNEATLANTICO and its chancellor, as well as of FUNIBER”, and pointed out that this agreement “demonstrates the commitment of both entities to improve the welfare of children and to the fulfilment of children rights around the world”.