UNEATLANTICO’s Theater Classroom returns to the stage with the performance of the play “Así nos va” written by the students themselves.

15 May 2024
UNEATLANTICO’s Theater Classroom returns to the stage with the performance of the play “Así nos va” written by the students themselves.
Theater classroom

On May 10, the performance of the play of the Aula de Teatro de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) took place in the auditorium. It was directed by the director of the Aula de Teatro, Lorena Güemes.
The play was written and starred by the students of the university, Daniel Campuzano, José Cabrera Essei, Iraya Contreras, Hector D. Somonte, Ángela De Diego, Isabela Giraldo, Mencía López, Lia Marzo, Jordy Rojals, Dinora Rico, Óscar Río, Ariana Suárez and Sarbeth Morales. Its theme was based mainly on humor and was intended as a satire of today’s society. In addition, it was composed of 11 scenes in which each one exposed a day-to-day reality.

Tickets were pre-sold two days before on University Day, and were also sold at the entrance on the day of the play. They were priced at 3 euros, with all proceeds going to help the Red Cross. The students worked on the event in the theater classroom for several months. During this, they strengthened skills such as creativity, innovation, stage management, theater skills, voice projection and script writing, among others.

UNEATLANTICO is currently performing one play per year. These annual plays along with the theater classroom are carried out thanks to UNEATLANTICO’s collaboration with Javier Cifrián’s film school. Likewise, the university’s theater club has its doors open to any student who wishes to join next year.