UNEATLANTICO’s degree in Computer Engineering celebrates DevDays 2024

10 Jun 2024
UNEATLANTICO’s degree in Computer Engineering celebrates DevDays 2024

The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) held the DevDays 2024. The event was held on 16 and 17 May, with the presence and participation of students of the degree in Computer Engineering (II). For this purpose, different days of informative talks were organised, given by the university’s teachers and students.

The Developer Days (DevDays) have been promoted by the Higher Polytechnic School and aim to designate a day in which students of the degree have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge on topics related to their professional area such as information about software, artificial engineering or virtual reality. In addition, the aim of these days is to provide a space for students to carry out internships in which they can put into practice what they have learnt.

The event was opened by José Manuel Rasilla Paz, student and delegate of the University, with the introduction of “Sky’s the limit” which took place in the auditorium of UNEATLANTICO. The first day dealt with anecdotes about agility by Dr. Luis Fernández, who also gave the conference “Recurrence in Software Development”, followed by Diego Vacuña, who gave the conference “Software Development”.

The second day started with a talk on Innovation by TIM & Uktena, a company focused on software development in Cantabria. To continue with an open forum and debate on the topic “Is there a future? This commented on the latest news in Artificial Intelligence (GPT 4.0, ChatGPT Video Calling, Google Gemini and Github Copilot) and opened a debate on its importance in software development and how the future of developers could be affected.

Fredy Diaz, international software entrepreneur, shared with the attendees his 40 years of experiences and knowledge he has acquired throughout his career and international development. His participation served to motivate to seek challenges and strive to achieve goals.

To conclude the DevDays activities, participatory workshops were held, such as the “Web Workshop” by Maura Martínez and the “FlutterFlow Workshop” by José Manuel Rasilla and Diego García.

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