UNEATLANTICO welcomes new professors to join the faculty for the new academic year 2024-2025

06 Sep 2024
UNEATLANTICO welcomes new professors to join the faculty for the new academic year 2024-2025
The vice rector of UNEATLANTICO and the degree directors pose with the new teachers.

The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has welcomed the teachers and researchers who will join in the new academic year 2024-2025, in an event organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Planning and Faculty. The meeting was attended by the professors, the directors of the different degrees, as well as the heads of various management areas and departments of the institution, including the Rector’s Office, the Academic Secretary’s Office and Management.

During his speech, Rubén Calderón, rector of the University, underlined UNEATLANTICO’s firm commitment to educational excellence in an increasingly globalized environment.
Jesús Peña, Deputy Secretary General, emphasized the willingness of his department to provide support to professors in administrative matters and to resolve doubts related to university and state regulations.
Silvia Aparicio, Vice-Rector for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff, presented the structure of the University and introduced the academic directors of each degree, who will guide and support the new professors. Aparicio underlined the values that should guide the teaching work at UNEATLANTICO: the integration of practices in the classes, the use of real examples to contextualize the theory and the balance between the security of knowledge and the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence. He also emphasized the importance of putting egos aside and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty.
Aparicio concluded his speech by highlighting the high professional competence of the new additions: “You are the best in each of your areas and I have full confidence in your professionalism,” he said.
Finally, David García (Academic Organization), Pablo Herrero (Systems and IT) and Atenea Ruigómez (Virtual Campus) gave a joint presentation on basic training in the use of the panel and the virtual campus. During the session, key aspects of these tools were detailed, including the teaching guide, class material and academic planning for each subject, with the aim of strengthening the knowledge of the new professors in their teaching tasks for the 2024-2025 academic year.


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