UNEATLANTICO toasts to success at a graduation ceremony for Mexican students

29 Dec 2023
UNEATLANTICO toasts to success at a graduation ceremony for Mexican students

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) is proud of the recent academic success of its Mexican students, who have successfully completed their postgraduate programs through the scholarship plan of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER). 

UNEATLANTICO together with the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México (International Iberoamerican University of Mexico, UNINI Mexico) and the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University, UNIB) have organized an awarding of postgraduate diplomas, celebrating together with FUNIBER a ceremony of recognition to the effort and dedication of the recent graduates. 

The table of honor was made up of the Director of International Relations for Latin America of UNEATLANTICO, Dr. Mónica Gracia; the director of the FUNIBER delegation in Mexico, Dr. Miguel Ángel López Flores; the consul general of Spain in Mexico, Dr. Manuel Hernández Ruigómez; and the rector of UNINI Mexico, Dr. Luis Dzul. 

During the ceremony, Dr. Monica Gracia addressed a few words to the graduates, congratulating them on their achievement and sharing the feeling of pride; also, the rector of UNEATLANTICO, Dr. Rubén Calderón, sent a message through a video to the new teachers and doctors; then, Dr. Luis Dzul extended congratulations on behalf of UNINI Mexico.  

On behalf of the graduates, Hector García gave an encouraging speech, “Let us never stop, I am confident that this achievement will be a message of hope. We will write great stories that will reflect the effort and care we put into them,” he said. 

The final speech was given by Dr. Manuel Hernández Ruigómez, praising the educational quality of the universities, encouraging them to remain committed to continuous professionalization since it always pays off, starting today. 

The ceremony concluded with a toast and the respective tossing of the cap, thus closing an event to celebrate the new path that the Mexican professionals will undertake, who carry with them the pride of having completed their studies at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico.