UNEATLANTICO, through the Office of Cooperation and Social Action, signs a collaboration agreement with Red Cross

19 Jun 2024
UNEATLANTICO, through the Office of Cooperation and Social Action, signs a collaboration agreement with Red Cross

The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) through its Office of Cooperation and Social Action (OCAS) agrees an agreement with the Autonomous Committee of the Spanish Red Cross in Cantabria for the achievement and fulfillment of common objectives between both entities.

The main objective of the agreement is to strengthen relations between the two institutions to encourage students to help in collaboration with CRUZ ROJA, in order to disseminate solidarity activities created by both CRUZ ROJA and UNEATLANTICO, such as solidarity activities, awareness talks, volunteering, among others. With the creation and dissemination of these activities we seek the integration and help from the students. Likewise, the objective is to disseminate activities and projects developed by CRUZ ROJA to raise funds.

Regarding sports, UNEATLANTICO is committed to promote sports activities for charitable or cultural purposes, allocating the profits to CRUZ ROJA. To this end, it will continue to organize the annual San Silvestre solidarity race, which aims to raise funds or contributions to this association.

UNEATLANTICO cares for the health and welfare of the entire student community, which is why with the help of this institution is seeking to initiate training workshops for students and staff of the university in first aid and emergencies.

In addition, UNEATLANTICO will include in its website the link “become a volunteer” promoting the possibility for the university community to participate in volunteer programs within CRUZ ROJA.

The Office of Cooperation and Social Action (OCAS) wishes to promote cooperation in a civic way, contributing to the development of the academic institution. This agreement is in addition to the collaborations with which UNEATLANTICO has an agreement, which are Ayitimoun Yo, Asociación-Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre, Cruz Roja – Comité Autonómico en Cantabria, Manos Unidas and Cocina Económica.

It should be noted that during this meeting, the students of the European University of the Atlantic, made delivery of the proceeds obtained in the return to the scene of the Aula de Teatro.

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