UNEATLANTICO students broadcast live the program “Zeero to Hero” on Arco FM

31 May 2024
UNEATLANTICO students broadcast live the program “Zeero to Hero” on Arco FM

The students of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), Maria del Mar Uroz of the degree in Journalism (PER) and Valentino Vargas of the double degree in Audiovisual Communication (CA) and Advertising and Public Relations (PRP) broadcast on the radio Arco FM their program Zeero to Hero.

This program is a project created by both students and in which they have been working for about 6 months, is called “Zeero to Hero” or Zero to Hero thanks to the same initiative with which it arose, which is to support students of the university in achieving their best version and help them improve in any area of their lives. Giving perspectives and advice to apply them with guests to the program who are experts in areas such as economic, psychological, sports or education. Its objective is to impact thousands of people through self-improvement so that they can achieve their dreams and goals, based on previous experiences with people who are already successful in certain professional fields.

Each week the program brings a special guest to explore in depth a professional topic from which to draw inspiration and profit. Among the guests have been Ana Visiers, director of UNEATLANTICO’s Communication degrees; Javier Maruri, teacher at UNEATLANTICO and law graduate; Guillermo Blanco, deputy secretary of Sectorial Action of the Regionalist Party of Cantabria, among others.

“Zeero to Hero” is broadcast live every Friday at 10 am through Arco FM. Thanks to this project, Maria del Mar and Valentino have been able to learn much more about the components of communication, such as how radio works and how it broadcasts live. In this line, the students are grateful to Arco FM and UNEATLANTICO for the opportunity to carry out this project and thus develop their skills in a professional environment.

For his part, Jesús García-Bermejo, content director of Arco FM radio, adds that “the project allows students to make the leap to FM and a professional radio station but with topics that they themselves master. A live program on a commercial radio station is the best letter of introduction for anyone who wants to work in this field. In these 5 years that we have been working with the European University of the Atlantic the experience has been a success, and there are more than twenty students who have already broadcast their program on ARCO FM.”
Close relationship between UNEATLANTICO and the media.

Seeking to connect theory with practice and the reality of the sector, UNEATLANTICO’s Communication degree students actively participate and collaborate in projects linked to the media. In the case of Arco FM, it is worth mentioning the visits and interventions in the program “A mediodía, alegría!”, or the special coverage of Arco FM, with the participation of journalism students, during the election night of May 28, 2023.

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