UNEATLANTICO students attend the presentation of Fernando Belzunce’s book “Directors”.

09 May 2024
UNEATLANTICO students attend the presentation of Fernando Belzunce’s book “Directors”.

A group of students of the degree in Journalism of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) have attended the presentation in Santander of the book “Directors” by Fernando Belzunce, editorial director general of Vocento, organized by the College of Journalists of Cantabria.

The students had a brief meeting with the journalist and writer, who told them that desire, vocation and attitude are the best qualities for a professional future.

The volume gathers the interviews that Belzunce has made to eleven directors of international media such as The New York Times, Reuters, Financial Times or The Wall Street Journal. The manual constitutes a contemporary radiography of the health of journalism and a reflection on content, disinformation, the business model, coexistence with technology and social networks or the application of artificial intelligence, among other issues addressed in conversations with journalists who direct some of the world’s leading print media.

The presentation of the book was led by the professor of UNEATLANTICO and dean of the College of Journalists of Cantabria, Olga Agüero, who analyzed together with Belzunce the process and the reflections and conclusions of this journey through the world media scenario.

In this analysis of the future prospects of the profession, the Vocento journalist interviewed Roula Khalaf, director of the Financial Times; María Ressa, CEO of Rappler; Carlos Dada, director of the Salvadoran El Faro; David Walmsley, director of the Canadian The Globe and Mail; Alessandra Galloni, global editor of Reuters; Adam Michnik, editor of Poland’s Gazeta Wyborcza; Wolfgang Krach, editor of Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung; Emma Tucker, at the time of the interview editor of The Sunday Times and currently of The Wall Street Journal; Sérgio Dávila, editor of Brazil’s Folha de S. Paulo; Joe Kahn, editor of The New York Times; and Emilio García Ruiz, editor of the San Francisco Chronicle.

The students actively participated in the subsequent colloquium by raising some questions of interest. In addition, they will write a report on the event to rehearse as future professionals as part of the activities of the writing course.