UNEATLANTICO Psychology graduate student, Margot Mercier, presents her startup: “Coco app”.

24 Jul 2024
UNEATLANTICO Psychology graduate student, Margot Mercier, presents her startup: “Coco app”.


Margot Mercier, a graduate of the degree in Psychology at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), presents Coco app, a personal project on the development of technological solutions for mental health along with artificial intelligence (AI).

Mercier, besides being a graduate in Psychology from UNEATLANTICO, has a double degree with the University of Belgrano in Argentina thanks to the agreement between both institutions. Together with Fernanda Secinaro and Tomás de Angelis, they have created this project as the final thesis of two of them.
Coco app is a tool both for clinical psychology and for those who want to know themselves better and keep track of their emotions throughout each week. This is a way to connect more with the psychologist and with oneself.
This initiative arises from the integrative vision of mental health and behavioral theory, mainly to support the psychologist in his sessions. “What is sought is its use as a tool and not as a replacement for the professional,” stresses Margot Mercier, Head of the Startup’s Psychology Department.
Their main objective is to improve the therapy experience for both psychologists and patients and to offer mental health monitoring, guaranteeing well-being in any institution. In addition, they offer tools based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that allow for more precise interventions and active psychoeducation.
“Today as psychologists we must not only continue to study and incorporate knowledge continuously, but also look for new tools that enhance traditional therapy. We must adapt to the speed and immediacy of our patients’ and our own day-to-day lives. I invite you to try Coco with curiosity and see it as an ally, a tool that will help you and your patients in your therapeutic process”, concluded the Head of the Psychology Department of the Startup.
From the European University of the Atlantic, we actively support the initiatives of our students and alumni.
Link to the app: https://apps.apple.com/es/app/coco-fortalecemos-tu-terapia/id6505014289