UNEATLANTICO professors publish a new research article in the journal Elsevier

17 Sep 2024
UNEATLANTICO professors publish a new research article in the journal Elsevier
From left to right: Carla Álvarez-Ferradas, David Herrero and Juan Luis Martín-Ayala.

David Herrero, PhD in psychology and lecturer at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), in collaboration with Juan Luis Martín-Ayala, academic director of the degree in Psychology (PSI) at UNEATLANTICO and PhD and lecturer, Carla Álvarez-Ferradas, have published a research article.

The article entitled Which drivers drive as they live and who are transformed while driving? Analysis of moderators in the relationship between general anger and driving anger, was published in the journal “Elsevier”, a scientific publishing house that specializes in scientific, technical and medical content analysis.
The main focus of this article was the anger that a person may feel when driving. Specifically, it focused on the trait of general anger and the situations in which this anger can be provoked when a person is behind the wheel, as well as looking for personality variables that could moderate these relationships.
For the writing of this article, they used a sample of 417 drivers from the general Spanish population and asked them to complete a series of self-reports according to the particular research. The results showed that there was a moderation in the use of hostile gestures, discourtesy and slow and/or illegal driving. Also, it demonstrated the different reasons why anger can be unleashed and interventions should address different triggers of impulsive anger: increasing self-esteem of those angered by disrespect, targeting type A behavior reduction of those angered by traffic slowdowns, and promoting improved awareness of those angered by the risky driving of others.
To read more on the topic, you can check out the article via the following link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsr.2024.07.002