UNEATLANTICO present at the gala of the Cantabria Yearbook of the newspaper Diario Montañés

27 Mar 2025
UNEATLANTICO present at the gala of the Cantabria Yearbook of the newspaper Diario Montañés

El Diario Montañés celebrated the 40th edition of the Cantabria Yearbook at the Santander Exhibition Centre, an event which each year presents an editorial work summarising the most outstanding events of the previous year. In this edition, the event brought together a broad representation of Cantabrian society, with the presence of figures from the political, economic, educational, cultural and sporting spheres.

The Cantabria Yearbook 2024 has a total of 287 pages full of information and photographs that cover the most important milestones of the region and the country during the past year, thus consolidating its role as a journalistic testimony of reference in Cantabria.

In this sense, it is worth mentioning the large representation of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) which attended the presentation of the Yearbook. The university was represented by the President of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican Foundation, (FUNIBER), Santos Gracia; the Rector of UNEATLANTICO, Rubén Calderón; and the Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, Silvia Aparicio. Likewise, the event was attended by a delegation of teachers including the director of the degrees in Journalism (PER), Advertising and Public Relations (PRP) and Audiovisual Communication (CA), Ana Visiers; the manager of UNEATLANTICO, Alicia Bustamante; the teacher and dean of the College of Journalists of Cantabria, Olga Agüero; the teacher and director of the Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (Foundation for Innovation and Development, (FIDBAN), Diego Lainz; and the teacher and director of Communication, Luis Eduardo Prado.

Cantabrian of the Year Award

Finally, the Valdecilla Transplant Unit won the Cantabrian of the Year award, represented on stage by Eduardo Miñambres, its Coordination Manager. As the Diario Montañés highlights, ‘the merit of the hospital team can be translated into figures: the 284 transplants carried out last year, the 7,585 organs that have found new owners in five decades of work at the hospital, or the 300 professionals involved in the area’s activity, who have made Valdecilla an international benchmark in transplants’. Likewise, ‘it is not only the numbers that matter, but the true value of the Valdecilla Unit is the message of hope that it sends with its work’.