UNEATLANTICO participates in the Semana Internacional de la Música de Cámara (SIMCE) in Málaga

27 Nov 2023
UNEATLANTICO participates in the Semana Internacional de la Música de Cámara (SIMCE) in Málaga
Concerto Málaga. XVIII Ciclo “Las Cuatro Estaciones”. Sones Mediterráneos. Sala Unicaja de concierto Mª Cristina.

The Fundación Hispania Música (Hispania Música Foundation), a partner center of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico European University of the Atlantic (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), organizes the 12th Semana Internacional de la Música de Cámara (International Chamber Music Week, SIMCE), which will conclude on December 3. 

The festival, which is held annually, thematically analyzes the life and work of eminent figures from Málaga in relation to the Spanish music and composers of their time. The agreement with UNEATLANTICO and the Fundación Hispania Música allows the SIMCE festival to take another step forward in its projection in the scientific field. Admission to the event is free until full capacity is reached. The complete call for applications can be consulted at the following link link.

Throughout its 11th editions, the festival has proven to meet the objectives of highlighting and showcasing the intense research work in the field of Hispanic classical music that is continuously and systematically carried out by the Fundación Hispania Música and its string orchestra Concerto Málaga.

Thanks to the diversity of spaces and environments, as well as the type of activities carried out within SIMCE and concretized in conferences, lectures, and concerts accessible to all audiences. The festival has become a real meeting place between the general public and musicians, researchers, musicologists, as well as university professors and performers who specialize in these aspects of history.

The closing concert, scheduled for December 3, will feature the participation of Gil de Gálvez, president of Hispania Música, who recently completed a tour of concerts in Central America with the support of the  Obra Cultural (Cultural Work) of FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO. Since 1996, he has been First Violin and leader of the prestigious Spanish string orchestra: Concerto Málaga.

Gálvez is a multifaceted artist who approaches music from different perspectives: performance, pedagogy, dissemination, management, and research, with the violin, his instrument, and orchestral conducting as the common thread. As a conductor, he debuted at the Teatro Nacional de El Salvador (National Theater of El Salvador) and obtained great success conducting the Orquesta Filarmónica Nacional de Venezuela (National Philharmonic Orchestra of Venezuela) at the Teatro Teresa Carreño (Teresa Carreño Theater) in Caracas.

Among his academic merits, he holds an International Doctorate “cum laude by unanimous decision” in music and education from the University of Málaga. He obtained the official postgraduate degree of Master of Arts in Classical String Performance in violin and chamber music with the highest qualification (First Class with Honors) awarded by the University of Limerick (Ireland).