The European University of the Atlantic participates in the 28th assembly of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) which will be celebrated between Tuesday, September 13th and Friday, September 16th in Liverpool.
The European Association for International Education is the acknowledged European center for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalization of higher education. The EAIE headquarters are in Amsterdam, and has two thousand five hundred members from eighty countries, most of them being from Europe.
Founded in 1989, the European Association for International Education organizes an itinerant annual conference to discuss about the latest trending on international education and to enhance networking among the educational member institutions. Besides the conferences, workshops and seminars, the assembly includes a college fair, in which participants can promote their work before a potential audience.
This time, the assembly is taking place in Liverpool, concretely in the Arena Convention Centre. Two representatives of the European University of the Atlantic will be attending: Kim Griffin and Juan Luis Vidal, who will have a stand at their entire disposal in order to promote the university.

Ms. Griffin and Mr. Vidal are the people in charge of the UNEATLANTICO’s International Relations Office and they will have the opportunity to spread the word about the university’s working method for those who are interested in studying a one-year course or rather in an Erasmus program. They also have in mind an agenda to sign collaboration agreements with institutions from other countries, since there has been a prior contact with universities from France, Switzerland, Poland or Canada.
The International Relations Office of the European University of the Atlantic is planning to start in the fall semester of this 2016-2017 course an international students exchange programs with universities from abroad. Next EIAE conference, in 2017, has been set to be in the Spanish city of Seville.