The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) opens the registration period for the VIII edition of the Debate League. In operation since 2017, this activity has become an emblematic hallmark of the university. In this new edition, students will be debating on the following question: ‘Is the Pact for the Future proposed by the UN a useful measure to improve the quality of life of the European population?
In preparation for the debate league, UNEATLANTICO offers a free public speaking course which is given in person and with the participation of different professionals. This year, the course will be held from 10 to 14 February, with the participation of several professionals.
Firstly, there will be a talk by Mónica Bóbeda entitled: ‘Learn to manage your fear of public speaking’. Bóbeda is the creator of ‘El Show de la Palabra’ and a trainer in public speaking techniques. She has given more than 1,000 sessions of public speaking classes to more than 3,000 students (children, young people and adults). She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of communication and leadership.
On the other hand, Diego Nagore will give a virtual talk on ‘public speaking and its influence on the European scene’. Nagore is a member of the executive policy department of EuroISPA, the world’s largest association of Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In parallel, he works as a public affairs consultant at Political Intelligence, an independent consultancy providing legal and policy advice to companies across the EU. In addition, he works as EU Affairs Senior Consultant at Harmon and is one of the driving forces behind Apply Jóvenes, a group belonging to the Association of Institutional Relations Professionals.
Finally, Ángel Domingo, technical and communication director of the Spanish University Debate League (Ledu), with more than two decades of training experience in three continents in the university, corporate and institutional spheres, will give two talks. The first one ‘The art of persuasion: Strategies and techniques of effective argumentation’, and the second one ‘Non-verbal language: You are the message’, which will end the course prior to the eighth edition of the UNEATLANTICO Debate League.
For more information about the league and how it works, click here.
VIII Pre-University Debate League
UNEATLANTICO also offers the League in its pre-university modality, with the aim of starting to train students with experience from school, as well as to form a critical spirit and the analytical and communicative capacity of its students so that they become active and participative citizens, and that they seek the truth through knowledge.
For more information about the Pre-University Debate League, click here.