UNEATLANTICO meets with universities in Bolivia

02 Sep 2024
UNEATLANTICO meets with universities in Bolivia

With the aim of strengthening institutional and educational relations, the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) held a series of meetings in Bolivia. Dr. Roberto Ruiz Salces, Vice-Rector for International Relations at UNEATLANTICO, and Ms. Flor Mariscal, FUNIBER’s Executive Director in Bolivia, met with six universities in Santa Cruz and La Paz.

These meetings arose from previous visits made by Ms. Mariscal and offered the opportunity to strengthen cooperation ties with different universities in the country through possible agreements that promote student and teacher mobility. For this reason, and on the occasion of Dr. Ruiz’s visit to Bolivia, several institutional visits were made with the aim of exploring possible collaborations through memoranda of understanding with various universities in the country. These agreements will allow the participating institutions to work together to facilitate the internationalization of their students and offer enriching academic and cultural experiences.
The first meeting took place at the Universidad Privada Domingo Savio (UPDS) in Santa Cruz, on the premises of the Escuela Internacional de Alta Gestión. Dr. Mariscal and Dr. Ruiz were welcomed by Dr. Claudia Calvo, Director of Internationalization at UPDS, and Fernando Pérez Torrico, Marketing Director at South Florida International College (SFIC), UPDS’ partner institution.
They then went to the Casa España auditorium in La Paz, where they met with representatives from the Universidad Real de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio (UREAL), the Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE), the Universidad Tecnológica de Boliviana (UTB), the Universidad Franz Tamayo (UNIFRANZ) and the Universidad Central (UNICEN). At this meeting, they discussed the benefits of working together to promote research through the organization of activities, as well as the exchange of experts and the dissemination of scientific and academic production.
The convergence of values and objectives between these higher education institutions and UNEATLANTICO has facilitated the construction of a dialogue committed to education without geographical barriers, paving the way for the training of future professionals with an international perspective.