UNEATLANTICO maintains its Christmas tradition and opens the registration for the 8th edition of the San Silvestre Solidaria

30 Nov 2023
UNEATLANTICO maintains its Christmas tradition and opens the registration for the 8th edition of the San Silvestre Solidaria

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) maintains one more year its Christmas tradition developed on campus since the institution’s first year of life: the  San Silvestre Solidaria (Saint Silvester Solidarity) race, which this year celebrates its eighth edition. The event will be held on Tuesday, December 19, starting at 12:00 noon. Participants, who may register by filling out this form, will also enjoy good music, raffles, challenges, a solidarity hot chocolate, different sports activities, and many surprises.

Once again, UNEATLANTICO has teamed up this year with the Spanish Red Cross to promote this solidarity race, whose primary purpose is to provide aid. That is why a symbolic registration fee of € 3 has been established, and the proceeds will be donated entirely for the purchase of food and other resources that will be delivered to the neediest families. This donation will be deposited in the Servicio de Actividad Física y Deportes (Physical Activity and Sports Service, SAFD), which is located on floor 0 of the campus, from Monday to Friday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, with service also available from Tuesday to Thursday between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

Whether to complete the course running, walking, or cheering, in the San Silvestre Solidaria all members of the University Community, i.e., students, teachers, and administrative and service staff can register, seeking the greatest possible collaboration and the promotion of physical activity, although it is also open to anyone who wants to participate. Competitors will be classified in two categories, male and female, and there will be a prize reserved for the winners. Also, once again this year, participants are invited to dress up in costume, and prizes have been established for those who participate in the best costume.

The objective of the race is four laps of 800 meters; in consequence, approximately 3.2 kilometers to be completed in a circular route that will run entirely through the Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Cantabria (Science and Technology Park of Cantabria, PCTCAN). All this without forgetting the festive and supportive nature of the event.

Regarding the organization, the San Silvestre will not be limited only to the race, which will start at 12:00 noon since from 10:00 am the University will launch other initiatives such as the number delivery in the entrance hall. Also, at 11:45 a.m., there will be a guided warm-up with music to add even more atmosphere to the day. Once the race is over, the music will continue to play at the event, which will also be accompanied by a solidarity hot chocolate. The awards ceremony and raffles are scheduled to take place at 12:45 p.m.; and from 1:00 p.m., participants will enjoy different challenges and sports activities.

In addition to all this, the solidarity project “Tu impulso” (Your Impulse) will be carried out, aimed at all those people with difficulties to perform physical activity on their own or who require external help. Through a group of volunteers from the University, called “impulsers,” those people with limited mobility who want to participate will receive support to complete the race.