UNEATLANTICO and Santander Bank strengthen ties to promote the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry

05 Jun 2024
UNEATLANTICO and Santander Bank strengthen ties to promote the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry


The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and Banco Santander have signed the sponsorship contract for the II Prize of the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry UNEATLANTICO-Santander.
The signing of the agreement took place at the headquarters of Banco Santander on Wednesday, May 29. The agreement between the institutions is the basis for promoting the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry (CIIA), which aims to contribute to the development of projects and research in the food sector that is part of the academic lines taught at the university.

For the signing of this agreement were present Manuel Iturbe, territorial director of Banco Santander in Cantabria and Asturias; the commercial director of Companies of Banco Santander, Oscar Sanchez Resta; the director of institutions of Cantabria and Asturias of Banco Santander, Roberto García-Borbolla and the head of institutions of Cantabria María Rebeca Gómez. For their part, Rubén Calderón, rector of UNEATLANTICO; Alicia Bustamante, manager of the university and Laura Saiz, head of the rector’s office, represented the university.

This year the project of the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry, promotes the organization of GASTROATLANTICO, a consultative forum whose purpose is to promote strategic alliances and combine efforts towards the development of gastronomy, products and producers of Cantabria. It should be noted that GASTROATLANTICO is an initiative that UNEATLANTICO has been promoting since 2021.

From the organization of the II Award of the Chair of Innovation in the Food Industry UNEATLANTICO- Santander, the jury will be convened to choose the winner of this edition, bringing together experts from both the industrial food sector and the gastronomic sector to reward the best innovation in the industry during the current year.

Innovation in food on the University Campus
It is worth mentioning that UNEATLANTICO offers different degrees related to food. Among them is the Degree in Gastronomy, in which students can learn from a current perspective of quality that will be applied to professional areas in gastronomic sciences.

In turn, the degree in Food Science and Technology (CTA) provides UNEATLANTICO students with all the skills to work in the area of food safety, management, processing and innovation in the field.

Similarly, the Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering (IIAA) trains students to exercise the regulated profession of Agricultural Engineer who is at the forefront to meet the challenges of a constantly evolving market.

For its part, from the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (NHD) there is the Nutritional Care Center where students exercise their skills in a real environment of the dietitian-nutritionist.