UNEATLANTICO AND FEC collaborate in the informative day on carbon footprint organized by SODERCAN

23 May 2024
UNEATLANTICO AND FEC collaborate in the informative day on carbon footprint organized by SODERCAN

The Science and Technology Park of Cantabria hosts the informative conference “Current regulations in the measurement of the carbon footprint: From voluntary to mandatory” organized by the Society for the Development of Cantabria, SODERCAN, and in collaboration with the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), the Business and Climate Foundation (FEC), the Diario Montañés and the Sustainability Cluster.

Speakers included Elvira Carles, director of the Fundación Empresa y Clima (FEC); Nuria del Pozo, head of Legal; and Teresa Cuesta, head of the Foundation’s Climate Action Area.

Alfredo Cuesta, director of the Business Creation, Innovation and Business Consolidation Area of SODERCAN; Rubén Calderón, rector of UNEATLANTICO; and Didier Fleury, president of the Sustainability Cluster of Cantabria, were in charge of opening the conference. Ángel Pedreja, CEO of SODERCAN, was in charge of the closing ceremony.

During the event, the director of the Area of Prospecting for New Markets and Internationalization of Sodercan, Raquel Manzanares, has announced the details of the aid program to obtain certifications, with a budget of 150,000 euros and open until October 7. The call offers a maximum aid of 15,000 euros and covers various areas of management: Quality, Environment, Sustainable Development, Food Safety and Quality, Safety and Health at Work, Information Security, Risk Management, R+D+i Management, Compliance Management, Energy Management, Digitalization, and other specific standards for each sector, recognized nationally and internationally, whose certification improves process management, the competitiveness of the company and facilitates the entry into new markets for products and services of Cantabrian companies.

Rubén Calderón, rector of UNEATLANTICO, expressed the importance of holding the III International Congress on Climate Action (CIACC) in Santander, highlighting the importance of climate action for the region and for companies. In his speech, Calderón stressed that as a University they are very focused on reality, towards the profession in all aspects. “We try to do everything we can from the curricula, the productive activity and partly it is also in the Congress.”

Although currently the calculation of the carbon footprint is voluntary, Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, which creates the carbon footprint registry, has been amended – although it has not yet been published in the BOE – and includes the mandatory calculation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint, covering communities, public procurement and requirements for large clients, such as Sustainability Reports.

In addition, Law 7/2021, on Climate Change and Energy Transition, already approved, establishes that companies will be obliged to reduce their carbon footprint, changing from a voluntary measure to a mandatory one.

For this reason, this conference aims to raise awareness of this environmental indicator and to inform about SODERCAN’s certification program and grants to obtain environmental certifications.

Collaboration between UNEATLANTICO and FEC
It should be recalled that the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) organizes the III International Congress on Climate Action (CIACC) in collaboration with the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and the Business and Climate Foundation (FEC). The congress will be held from July 3 to 5, 2024 and was born out of the vital need to address the climate emergency.

The main objectives of the congress are to promote cooperation, innovation and knowledge sharing to address the most crucial challenge of our era.

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