UNEATLANTICO and Corocotta Ultimate Cantabria join forces to give a workshop on values through Ultimate

25 Oct 2023
UNEATLANTICO and Corocotta Ultimate Cantabria join forces to give a workshop on values through Ultimate

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) has received in its facilities the Corocotta Ultimate Cantabria team to carry out an enriching workshop on values through the Ultimate Frisbee. The activity took place within the framework of the subject “Sociology of Education: Social and educational changes and multiculturalism,” taught by lecturer Josep Alemany in the first year of the degree in Primary Education.

The workshop was structured in three essential parts. First, a brief introduction to Ultimate was given to familiarize participants with the sport and its fundamental rules. Afterwards, a dynamic practice was carried out, where fun and competition were combined, allowing the attendees to apply what they had learned in a playful way. Finally, time was devoted to a joint reflection and evaluation of the experience, encouraging discussion on the values and principles worked on during the day.

The main objective of this special class was to foster a spirit of play among the participants, emphasizing respect and courtesy as essential elements. In Ultimate, players are responsible for “self-arbitrating” their actions, which promotes peaceful dispute resolution and avoids unnecessary conflict.

The Ultimate discipline values five key aspects:

  • Knowledge and honest application of the standards, which consist of 17 pages.
  • Limiting physical contact to avoid fouls.
  • Impartiality, i.e., sincerity and the renunciation of any unfair advantage.
  • A positive attitude, including celebrating opponents’ successes.
  • Respectful and polite communication, which involves listening to the other party to reach a consensus.

In addition to the competitive aspects of the game, at the end of each match, both teams jointly choose the winner of the “best spirit of the game,” i.e., the team that has demonstrated the most fair and sportsmanlike behavior. This recognition is celebrated with a trophy of its own.

The Corocotta Ultimate team emphasized the importance of the spirit of the game by stating that “this spirit obliges us to maintain a deep respect.” In addition, he suggested that the values promoted by this sport could serve as a solid foundation to instill in future generations, not only in the sporting arena but also in everyday life.