The Vice Rector for Academic Planning and Faculty of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), Dr. Silvia Aparicio, and the director of the degrees in Audiovisual Communication (CA), Journalism (PER), and Advertising and Public Relations (PRP), Dr. Ana Visiers, participated in a get-together organized by the Club La Tenida, chaired by Sancho Michell. This meeting is a space for debate and reflection on current news and the challenges currently facing the sector.
The event featured journalist and writer Carmen Gurruchaga, who was introduced by journalist and writer Alfredo Urdaci. During the meeting, both communicators shared their reflections on contemporary journalism, political journalism, addressing the challenges of communication in the digital era and the impact of technological changes in the way information is generated and consumed. In addition, various current issues in the Spanish and international context were discussed, allowing a critical analysis of the socio-political and economic situation.
Within this framework of debate, Dr. Silvia Aparicio spoke about the paradox observed in Spain with respect to macroeconomic indicators and their real impact on citizens. In her speech, she explained how official data reflect an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a reduction in unemployment and an apparent good evolution of consumption, while, in contrast, structural problems persist that affect civil society, such as the crisis of access to housing, inflation and the progressive loss of purchasing power of citizens. On this issue, Carmen Gurruchaga acknowledged the dissonance between macroeconomic figures and the daily reality of the population, pointing out that “the macro certainly does not go hand in hand with the micro”, highlighting the need for a greater correlation between economic policies and social welfare.
The participation of Dr. Silvia Aparicio and Dr. Ana Visiers in this meeting led to an enriching exchange of views with speakers and attendees, highlighting the importance of discussing the media and political landscape in a context of increasing complexity. The European University of the Atlantic reaffirms its commitment to rigorous analysis and critical thinking, promoting and participating in discussion spaces where economic, political and communication challenges are addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective.
The University’s Business Administration and Management (ADE) and Communication degrees promote initiatives that encourage the development of analytical thinking and freedom of opinion as fundamental pillars in the training of students. Interaction with professionals in the sector and participation in forums such as this discussion forum allow members of the academic community to keep abreast of relevant events and develop a deeper understanding of the dynamics that shape contemporary society.
Events such as this tertulia organized by Club La Tenida reflect the importance of generating meeting spaces in which academics, journalists and experts can exchange knowledge and visions on the challenges of the present. The European University of the Atlantic will continue to promote these initiatives with the aim of consolidating itself as a benchmark in the training of professionals with a critical perspective, committed to the analysis of reality and the search for solutions that contribute to social and economic development.