Teachers of UNEATLANTICO attend as speakers at the “X Nutrition Week” held in Torrelavega

13 Jun 2024
Teachers of UNEATLANTICO attend as speakers at the “X Nutrition Week” held in Torrelavega
The lecturers Álvaro Lasarte García and Imanol Eguren García during one of their lectures.

Professors Álvaro Lasarte García and Imanol Eguren García, from the (NHD) from the  European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), have participated in the “X Nutrition Week”, organised by the Torrelavega City Council in the Municipal Training Centre of Barreda.

The event, which took place on 5 and 6 June, included two lectures given by the aforementioned teachers. On 5 June, the talk entitled “Nutrition and Sports Performance” dealt with dietary and nutritional planning for athletes. The lecturers explained the importance of adequate calorie intake, the balance of macronutrients and micronutrients, hydration and presented examples of dietary planning. They also offered nutritional recommendations for the different phases of the competition: before, during and after the competition.

On the following day, 6 June, the conference focused on “Disease prevention in the elderly“. During this session, what constitutes healthy eating in the elderly was defined and the crucial role of nutrition in this stage of life was discussed. In addition, specific dietary guidelines were provided to treat various conditions common among the elderly, such as cardiovascular diseases, chewing and swallowing problems, dysphagia, diabetes mellitus, joint problems and renal insufficiency.

In addition to sharing their knowledge of nutrition, the professors took the opportunity to promote the academic programmes of the Food Area of the European University of the Atlantic. These programmes include the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, the degree in Gastronomy, the degree in Food Science and Technology and the degree in Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering.

“X Nutrition Week”

This event, which has counted on the collaboration of the College of Pharmacists of Cantabria and the European University of the Atlantic, has aimed to raise public awareness of the role of proper nutrition through healthy breakfasts aimed at schoolchildren, as well as talks on nutrition.