Students of the CTA and IIAA degrees visit AgroCantabria’s facilities with the teacher Javier Gómez

16 May 2024
Students of the CTA and IIAA degrees visit AgroCantabria’s facilities with the teacher Javier Gómez
Students of Food Science and Technology (CTA) and Engineering of Agricultural and Food Industries (IIAA) at AgroCantabria

The students of the degrees in Food Science and Technology (CTA) and Engineering of Agricultural and Food Industries (IIAA) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), made a visit to the facilities of AgroCantabria. This visit was made within the framework of the subject “Animal Food Processing”, taught by the teacher Javier Gómez.

AgroCantabria is the merger of six important Cantabrian corporations, whose objective is the distribution of high quality products to consumers. They distribute animal feed, dairy products, meat products and more. It is the most relevant project in the Cantabrian coast.

The visit was carried out within the framework of the practical aspect of the course, so the students had the opportunity to observe the theory learned in class in practice. In addition, they had the opportunity to talk with the workers to learn more about AgroCantabria.

During the visit, the students visited AgroCantabria’s Cutting Room. This room contains a variety of high-tech instruments applied to the meat industry, giving the students a unique opportunity to observe this type of practice live.

More visits to companies in the food sector
In April of this year, Gómez and the students made a visit to the Nestlé factory as part of the same course. The purpose of the visit was for the students to observe the different challenges and needs that a company like Nestlé can face.

UNEATLANTICO seeks to train its students to be aware of the importance of their careers and knowledge, which is why it promotes this type of institutional visits. It also offers a variety of careers to train future professionals in this field, offering degrees in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Science and Technology, Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering and Gastronomy.

Tags: Agrocantabria, Agrocantabria, uneatlantico students, Faculty of Health Sciences, degree in Food Science and Technology, degree in Agricultural and Food Industry Engineering, Javier Gómez, Nestlé, UNEATLANTICO, European University of the Atlantic, Universidad Europea del Atlántico