Students of third year of journalism (PER) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) visit the facilities of El Diario Montañés with the aim of knowing first hand how they work in the leading newspaper in the region.
The journalism students were accompanied by the lecturer and head of Economics at El Diario Montañés, Jesús Lastra, as part of the subject ‘Production in the Press and Cybermedia’.
During the visit, Lastra showed them around the newspaper’s facilities, from the exhibition of the most outstanding photographs taken by the newspaper’s staff, to the newsrooms, with an explanation of which section each desk belongs to. He also explained the routines followed in the newsroom, the way they are organised, the criteria for newsworthiness as well as the computer system they use for metrics, this being a way for the students to see how it works first hand. In addition, they talked about the use of AI for support and the opportunities that exist in the world of data visualisation.
Throughout the tour, they were also accompanied by Lola Gallardo, journalist and editor of El Diario Montañés, who shared her experience in the field of journalism with the students and explained how the website works and how news is updated. Gallardo, in addition to being the coordinator of the digital edition of the newspaper, is a teacher at UNEATLANTICO and president of the Association of Journalists of Cantabria.
It should be noted that these visits allow students to interact with professionals in the sector and learn about the dynamics of their work, thus strengthening both their academic and professional training.