The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) continues to consolidate its academic and institutional relations in Guatemala. During a series of key meetings, strategic agreements have been promoted and scholarship opportunities have been presented to facilitate access to quality university education.
During his stay, Dr. Roberto Ruiz, Secretary General and Vice Rector for International Relations of the European University of the Atlantic, had a meeting with Byron Garrido, Head of Planning of the Technical Institute of Training and Productivity (INTECAP), in which he reaffirmed the existing agreement between the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER), UNEATLANTICO and INTECAP. At the same time, new avenues of collaboration were explored to make it easier for the institute’s collaborators to apply for scholarships to access higher education programmes.
In addition, the promotion of the agreement established with the Universidad Panamericana (UPANA) was resumed, focusing on the Business Administration and Management (ADE) degree programmes. In a meeting with the dean of Economic Sciences of the UPANA, Mr. Ronaldo Girón and the vice-dean, Mr. Samuel Zabala, actions were established to facilitate the mobility of Business Administration and Management students between both institutions.
Finally, it is worth mentioning the organisation of an Open House, which allowed interested Guatemalan families to get a closer look at UNEATLANTICO’s academic proposal.