Roberto Ruiz and Juan Luis Vidal travel to China, representing UNEATLANTICO, with the aim of establishing collaboration agreements and strengthening relations.

19 Jun 2024
Roberto Ruiz and Juan Luis Vidal travel to China, representing UNEATLANTICO, with the aim of establishing collaboration agreements and strengthening relations.
Roberto Ruiz, Secretary General, and Juan Luis Vidal, Director of the Office of International Relations (ORI) during their stay in China.


Roberto Ruiz, secretary general, and Juan Luis Vidal, director of the Office of International Relations (ORI) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), have traveled to China to strengthen relations with the nation.

This visit has been carried out with the objective of establishing agreements and signing collaboration agreements (MOU) with Chinese academic institutions. UEASI executives, representatives of UNEATLANTICO in China, accompanied them during their stay. UEASI was represented by its president, Sun Junting, the project director, Du Dangdang, and the project manager, Wang Xueyin.

The arrival of Ruiz and Vidal in Beijing generated the first contact with UEASI members. The next day, in Beijing-Jinzhou, they visited Bohai University; they met with the rector of the university, signed the MOU and had a briefing about the MBA. In Beijing, they also met with the Consul General about the development of UNEATLANTICO with China.

On the other hand, in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi province, they held a conference on international collaboration in UNEATLANTICO, with three prestigious universities in Shanxi. These were: Taiyuan Tourism College, China Australia Business College of Shanxi, Shanxi Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College. A series of agreements were signed between these universities and a collaboration was established with the government of the province. During their visit to Shanxi, they visited the three universities with which collaboration agreements were signed.

As part of the trip to China, UNEATLANTICO representatives visited Xi`an, capital of Shaanxi province. There they met with the Rector of Weinan Normal University, signed an MOU and established a collaboration in MBA and PhD programs. Also, at Weinan High School, they met with the principal of the school and had an information session and recruitment of students for degree and Spanish course. In Xi`an they also visited Xiàn University of Technology and Shaanxi Fiance Vocational and Technical College, met with the rectors to discuss possible ways of collaboration of various programs together and later signed a cooperation agreement.

Internationalization at UNEATLANTICO
The international features of the UNEATLANTICO campus, with the presence of students from more than thirty nationalities, is a space for both academic and cultural exchange, in which students learn in a global environment to understand the current situation and reality of their work sectors.

The importance of the integration of students from China in UNEATLANTICO, thanks to the signing of the agreements signed during the trip, will boost the university community to a greater internationalization.

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