The student of the degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) and delegate of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Marcelo Solís, participated in the II Meeting of Young Economists of Cantabria.
In addition to representing the university, Marcelo Solís also attended on behalf of the Spanish Association of Students of Economics and Business Studies (AELCEE). During the day, together with Sara Argüello, secretary general of the General Council of Economists, they held discussions to strengthen and expand extracurricular activities aimed at UNEATLANTICO students.
One of the most relevant topics discussed was the possibility of establishing a greater connection between the students and the Association of Economists, so that students can benefit from the experience and knowledge of the members of the Association, which include profiles such as senior managers, CEOs of companies, financial directors, financial analysts and specialists in Human Resources.
The event was also attended by leading experts in the business and human resources fields, who shared practical advice on how to improve employability and stand out in the world of work. Eva Martín Gallego Aceves, people and culture manager at Hospital Mompía, explained a fundamental formula for achieving professional success. The manager emphasized that a good attitude can greatly enhance the opportunities for growth within a company, surpassing even those who only have technical knowledge without the right mentality. In addition, the HR Director at Ámbar Telecomunicaciones, Luis Egusquiza Berrazueta, highlighted the importance of attitude in the selection process.
In addition to the presentations, the meeting provided an opportunity to exchange ideas on how to improve the preparation of students for the labor market. The previous preparation for employment was taken into account, being the curriculum something vital for it, the importance of soft skills with empathy and resilience as a basis and the development of technological competencies in an increasingly digitized world.
The possibility of establishing strategic alliances with the College of Economists opens new doors for the development of training and networking activities that benefit UNEATLANTICO students.