Luis Prado, UNEATLANTICO teacher, gives a talk on “Debate and public speaking as a tool in the classroom” at the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua

06 Sep 2024
Luis Prado, UNEATLANTICO teacher, gives a talk on “Debate and public speaking as a tool in the classroom” at the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua
UNEATLANTICO teacher, Luis Prado, visits the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education.

The teacher and director of the Debate League of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) Luis Eduardo Prado Gonzalez, presented at the conferenceDebate and public speaking as a tool in the classroom” at the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua .

The presentation was held on July 15 in person at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education in the capital of Nicaragua, Managua with the possibility of digital connection for the rest of Latin America, bringing together about two hundred people. Among them were advisors of the Ministry of Education of the 15 provinces of the State for the primary, secondary and high school levels.
Professor Eliseo Rivera, Director of Continuing Education of MINED, was in charge of welcoming Julio Santos, FUNIBER’s Executive Director in Nicaragua, and Luis Prado, speaker at the conference.
Prado gave a presentation on the advantages of public speaking as a tool to develop certain skills and know how to defend oneself in the future. He also explained the differences between debate and public speaking and their purposes, as well as why it is important in the classroom. This conference was carried out with the prospective of the Ministry to use this tool in educational centers to promote training in public speaking.
It should also be noted that this activity has been possible thanks to the close ties between the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua (MINED).


It should be noted that the European University of the Atlantic carries out public speaking courses and debate leagues for the university’s students. It also organizes pre-university debate leagues for schools in Cantabria as well as a virtual league for schools throughout Latin America.