Luis Ángel Gómez Izaguirre, president for Europe of XPO Logistics, speaks at the “¿Y ahora qué?” job conferences

27 Oct 2023
Luis Ángel Gómez Izaguirre, president for Europe of XPO Logistics, speaks at the “¿Y ahora qué?” job conferences

The assembly hall of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) was the setting for the third session of the second edition of the “¿Y ahora qué?” (And now what?) job conferences, with a lecture by the president for Europe of XPO Logistics, Luis Ángel Gómez Izaguirre. 

Luis Ángel Gómez Izaguirre is originally from Santander and holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Cantabria. His career in the logistics sector began in 1997, when he was head of administration at Transportes Gerposa (Gerposa Transport). Over the years, he rose through the ranks to positions of greater responsibility.

Among his prominent roles, Gómez Izaguirre has been CFO of Christian Salvesen Gerposa and CEO of Norbert Dentressangle Iberia. In 2013, he assumed the position of CEO of the Transport Division of the Norbert Dentressangle Group, and then took the position of CEO of Transport for Europe at XPO Logistics and, finally, President for Europe at the same company. In this way, he has consolidated his position as a leader in the field of logistics and transportation on the continent.

Tips for entering the labor market

During the conference, Gómez Izaguirre shared his experience and expertise in the logistics sector, providing students with valuable insight into the opportunities and challenges in today’s job market.

In addition, he highlighted three tips for students. The first relates to the importance of language skills. For the speaker, English is fundamental; however, it is the second language that makes the difference. As for the second, he mentioned that when entering the labor market, one must always be open and willing to step out of one’s comfort zone. “Personal sacrifice” always has a professional return. Finally, his third piece of advice was that, even if it is not at the beginning of your working life and you are well off, if you are presented with new challenges or opportunities, do not hesitate to accept them.

Essential characteristics for success

On the other hand, Gómez Izaguirre reviewed the characteristics that can facilitate success in the professional world. According to the speaker, training is a crucial basis for increasing the likelihood of success, although it does not guarantee success on its own.

First, he stressed the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in all aspects of life, including the professional sphere. This is transmitted and facilitates the connection with others, which in turn favors the development of soft skills, such as empathy and humility. These allow for strong and genuine connections and facilitate learning, as there is always something to discover and learn from others.

The second characteristic has been the ability to adapt as a fundamental skill in a constantly changing world. Both life and business evolve, so it is crucial to be able to adapt to new situations and challenges.

Finally, Gómez Izaguirre mentioned the importance of good luck. However, not as a random factor but as something to look for and work on. Good luck is related to being in the right place at the right time, showing energy and passion for what you do.

With these characteristics in mind, Gómez Izaguirre has assured that the probability of having a successful professional career increases significantly. However, he stressed that it is necessary to have all these ingredients present in order to obtain positive results in the workplace.

Key skills in the recruitment process

Before concluding the conference, the speaker took the opportunity to highlight the relevance of big data, technology, and sustainability in the field of logistics. These areas are constantly evolving and are key to the success of companies in the sector.

In addition, together with Maria Saiz, XPO’s People Services Manager for Southern Europe and Morocco, they highlighted the importance of certain skills and values in the recruitment process. Among the skills highlighted are language skills and positive attitude. They have also encouraged students or future candidates to project a strong commitment to the company during job interviews, making their work more than just a job.

Finally, Gómez Izaguirre and Saiz emphasized the need to demonstrate sincerity, honesty, and punctuality. These qualities are essential to generate a good impression and establish the necessary trust in the work environment.

The participation of Luis Ángel Gómez Izaguirre in the “¿Y ahora qué?” job conferences has represented an opportunity for the students of UNEATLANTICO by having received valuable knowledge and advice on how to enter the labor market successfully.

Tags: ¿Y ahora qué?, uneatlantico students, University Campus, Luis Ángel Gómez Izaguirre, soft skills, UNEATLANTICO, Universidad Europea del Atlántico, XPO Logistics