José Ramos Vivas, teacher and researcher at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) gave a talk on the human microbiota to high school students at the Somorrostro Training Centre. The aim of the talk was to bring young people closer to the knowledge of this invisible ecosystem and its impact on human health.
During the talk, José Ramos explained the diversity and functions of our body’s microbiota, highlighting its role in digestion, in the production of compounds beneficial to health and its role as a collaborator of the immune system against potential pathogens that may try to attack the different parts of our body.
Ramos also discussed the possibility of improving some neurological diseases by regulating the number of species present mainly in our intestines. He focused on the most recent research linking alterations in the microbiota with diseases such as obesity, diabetes and depression.
To conclude, the lecture included a question and answer session, in which students had the opportunity to delve into topics of interest to them, such as the influence of diet and antibiotics on the microbiota. Professor José Ramos Vivas pointed out the actions or habits that harm our bacteria, and emphasised the need to promote healthy living habits in order to maintain an optimal microbial balance, listing the factors that favour bacterial diversity
The microbiota is the subject of studies that are constantly evolving and we know more and more about how these microorganisms influence our health, so it is essential that young people know their importance, especially in relation to food.
It should be noted that the talk given by Ramos reinforces UNEATLANTICO’s commitment to promoting quality and up-to-date education, in this case with a special focus on human health and the importance of topics such as the human microbiota.