Gastronomy students visit Café Dromedario to learn about the preparation of coffee

29 May 2024
Gastronomy students visit Café Dromedario to learn about the preparation of coffee
Gastronomy student during the visit to Café Dromedario.

Students of the Gastronomy degree at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) participated in an interactive session where they had the opportunity to learn about coffee preparation techniques from José Rodríguez, sales manager of Café Dromedario.

During their visit to the Café Dromedario facilities, the students met the coffee expert and quality manager of the company, Begoña Baqué, who has won the first prize in Coffee Tasting in the final of the XIV Foz Barista Championship, considered the most important in Spain. In addition to a 1st place in the II International Coffee Tasting Championship for professionals in 2022, and who this year obtained a new certification from the Coffee Quality Institute.

Together with both experts they tasted different varieties of coffee, roasting methods and practiced a guided coffee tasting, where they were able to distinguish the nuances of aroma and flavor of different types of coffee. Not only did it serve as practice, but it also taught the students the process and brought them closer to the active creation of a product in demand and in one of the most important coffee shops in Santander.

About Café Dromedario
Café Dromedario was founded in 1871 in Santander by Dr. Antonio Fernández Baladrón. Its mission is to transfer the renewed enthusiasm and permanent affection for the product. This involves combining a coffee trajectory based on quality and service with permanent innovation when it comes to products and techniques. Café Dromedario has maintained its condition of being the Cantabrian coffee par excellence and maintaining absolute leadership in the region.

For the students of UNEATLANTICO, visiting the mediations of this leading regional company is a great opportunity to learn about the needs and current affairs of the sector.

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