FIDBAN presents an app to improve soccer technique and an institute that uses surfing as therapy

10 Oct 2023
FIDBAN presents an app to improve soccer technique and an institute that uses surfing as therapy

The UNEATLANTICO-based investor club held its 18th Investor Round today.

Innovate around the practice of a mass sport like soccer or use as therapy an activity of spectacular development in recent years such as surfing were the two projects that starred today in the 18th Investor Round that the Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (Innovation and Development Foundation) (FIDBAN) held at its headquarters at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) (UNEATLANTICO). A mobile application that improves the technical quality of the soccer player and a project for surfing to serve as therapy for people with functional diversity or physical, mental, or emotional problems focused the interest of the investors’ club promoted by academic institutions, the Government of Cantabria, the city councils of Santander and Torrelavega, and CEOE-CEPYME.

The 18th FIDBAN Investor Round was attended by David Martínez Prieto, CEO of Siderit, who was interviewed by Fermín Mier, Content Director of Cadena SER in Cantabria, as part of the “success stories” section. Without a doubt, Siderit is a practical example of a dream come true. A project born in 2013 to produce high quality premium beverages combining artisanal forms that ten years later has gone from making 6,000 bottles a year to manufacturing and selling 250,000 units with open market in 35 countries. Martínez Prieto, one of the founders of Siderit, together with Rubén Leivas spoke to journalist Fermín Mier about this trajectory and future projects.

The StartApp OGR Optimum Grade Response, a digital system linked to an innovative method that improves the technical quality of the soccer player, was presented by África Álvarez who, together with Omar Gómez, are at the origin of the project. This has taken an important leap in recent months towards innovation and technological base as the StartApp focuses on many other lines in addition to the well-known boot and stocking, Álvarez explained.  The Sistema OGR is “the great unknown pursued by all,” he said, a digital system linked to an innovative method that causes the improvement of the technical quality of the soccer player. The mobile application, using proprietary implements and artificial intelligence, will make the OGR a system with worldwide impact.

Alvarez explained that there is an area of the foot that allows for more accurate shooting. “It was discovered by Omar Gómez, after conducting a study on how figures such as Leo Messi, David Beckham, or Kylian Mbappé hit the ball, on the basis of which he has concluded with the location of this new area, never before studied or identified.” This area or contact surface of the foot has been called “OGR surface or area,” which led to the design and manufacture of the first methodological boot on the market to facilitate this type of striking. An implement already manufactured and tested with professional soccer players.

And it is based on this discovery that the SISTEMA OGR (Optimum Grade Response) project has been articulated, taking a leap forward as an innovative, technology-based sports project. The investment required to continue the development of the project amounts to 300,000 euros.


Juan Aparicio Cabezas, professor at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico and founder of the Instituto de Surf Terapéutico ITS, presented the project based on an organization specialized in therapeutic and adapted surfing, created to help people with functional diversity or who have suffered alterations in their physical, mental, or emotional health. Aparicio highlighted how the surfing method is used to promote autonomy, growth, and wellbeing in the individual. ITS requires funding of 50,000 euros in order to acquire infrastructure to cover the needs of the students, implementation of therapeutic programs, hiring of collaborators, maintenance, and online marketing.

The ITS team is made up of enthusiastic multidisciplinary professionals, ocean and surf lovers who put their talent and skills at the service of people in need. Doctors, teachers, therapists, psychologists, social educators, pedagogues, therapeutic surf instructors, or lifeguards make up the staff of the Institute, all united with the common goal of promoting social integration and personal growth through surfing. They offer a wide range of services to train professionals with specific training for amateur and competitive athletes, in and out of the sea, as well as for surf sport technicians and volunteer teams.

The project includes a technical consultancy for adapted surfing equipment, transportation, and accessibility, SurfFisioterapia (Surf-Physiotherapy) for injury prevention and functional improvement, sports psychology … Currently, they perform therapeutic and adapted surfing sessions on demand and, the goal is to generate adherence and have continuity programs with students throughout the year in the immediate future.