Business Administration and Management students complement their training with seminars on the business world

13 May 2024
Business Administration and Management students complement their training with seminars on the business world

Students of the degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) are taking their education a step further by participating in a series of days, meetings and conferences that immerse them in the business world.

These students are complementing their academic education with practical experience and up-to-date knowledge about the demands of the labor market. By attending events at various institutions, they are acquiring essential skills that will enable them to excel in the professional field, such as organization and task planning, oral communication, decision making, interpersonal relations, criticism and self-criticism, responsibility and autonomy.

In this context, the students have attended different conferences at the CEOE CEPYME Cantabria, the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria and APD (Association for the Progress of Management).

One of the highlights was the event “#CañaDigital: Successful cases of innovation and digitalization without leaving Cantabria”, where the general manager of the Technological Center of Components (CTC), Beatriz Sancristóbal, shared a series of success stories made with companies in Cantabria, demonstrating that innovation is not the exclusive preserve of large firms, nor is it necessary to go to other regions to do so.

In another meeting under the title “#CañaDigital: Navigating towards efficiency”, UNEATLANTICO students had the opportunity to explore the digital transformation process of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, led by VIACORE IT. This experience provided an in-depth view on how technology can improve efficiency in sports and administrative management using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence. Pablo Barrio, General Director of the RFEV, together with Pablo Blanco, Systems Manager at Viacore IT and David Perez, Business Development Director at Viacore IT, shared their experience and perspectives on this transformation and digitalization process carried out.

The protection of innovation and ideas was also a central theme in the day “#pingpong: How to protect innovation and ideas? Learn about Industrial Property”, where the strategic importance of industrial property in companies was analyzed and best practices for developing an effective strategy in this area were discussed. In addition, an analysis was made of the main points to be taken into account to develop a correct Industrial Property strategy in the company.

Finally, UNEATLANTICO students were immersed in the topic of sustainability in industry at the conference on “Aids for the decarbonization of thermal processes in industry”, where experts such as Ms. Llanos San Miguel, Head of Sustainability of the Chamber of Cantabria, and Mr. Nicolas Martinez, Iberia Lead for Newheat, shared knowledge on how to reduce the carbon footprint in industrial processes.

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