Bathco BM Torrelavega presents its project 2024 – 2025

07 Aug 2024
Bathco BM Torrelavega presents its project 2024 – 2025

On a day marked by emotion and commitment, Bathco BM Torrelavega, with the support of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), has launched its project for the 2024-2025 season. The team is preparing to face a new edition of the Liga Plenitude Asobal, the highest category of Spanish handball, and the challenges of the EHF European League, the second most important European competition.

The event, held at Bathco’s headquarters in Santander, gathered media, institutions and sponsors, consolidating the support to one of the most relevant clubs in the region.

The press conference, led by Antonio Gómez, president of the club, and José López, manager of Bathco, was attended by Javier López Estrada, mayor of Torrelavega, and Eva Guillermina Fernández, councilor of Culture, Tourism and Sports. This meeting was the perfect setting to present the new team kits, worn by players Isidoro Martínez, Nicolai Colunga, Carlos Calle and Leo Tercariol.

Antonio Gómez highlighted the importance of keeping the essence of the club alive, recalling the slogan of the season ticket holders campaign: “La Fuerza del Trueba” (The Strength of Trueba). This phrase is a small tribute to all the fans who come to the Vicente Trueba Municipal Pavilion to cheer on the team. The club president has expressed the responsibility and pride that comes with competing in the EHF European League, a challenge that motivates the team and all the fans.

For his part, Bathco’s manager also highlighted the company’s commitment to the club, stating: “This year we are going to be at our best, and in December, depending on our position, we may be even stronger”.

The mayor, Javier López Estrada, emphasized the significance of this event for Torrelavega, stressing that Bathco BM Torrelavega is the maximum exponent of professional sport in Cantabria and a source of inspiration for future generations. Likewise, Councilor Fernández praised the positive impact of the team in the region and its role in the promotion of Cantabria.

Councilman Nacho González underlined the ambitious nature of the Bathco BM Torrelavega project, trusting that the city will provide solid support for the team throughout the season. Gonzalez highlighted the pride he feels in seeing the growth of the club and the fundamental role the city has played in its development.

Finally, Jacobo Cuétara, the team’s coach, also valued the event as a remarkable example of collaboration between institutions, sponsors and the club. Cuétara expressed his satisfaction with the progress achieved so far and showed renewed optimism for the season, highlighting the excellent disposition of the team and the high quality of the facilities.

Listen to the statements of the protagonists of the press conference

UNEATLANTICO, as sponsor of Bathco BM Torrelavega, is proud to support the team in this exciting season. In addition to its commitment to sports, the university promotes excellence in sports through its cutting-edge academic offerings. The team’s commitment, dedication and effort will continue to inspire the community and achieve great triumphs on a national and international level.