Alba Tapia, hearing and language specialist teacher, conducts a talk at UNEATLANTICO on the fundamentals of Special Education

23 Nov 2023
Alba Tapia, hearing and language specialist teacher, conducts a talk at UNEATLANTICO on the fundamentals of Special Education

Alba Tapia, a professional of the Guidance Team of the CEIP María Sanz de Sautuola of Santander, shared her experience and knowledge with the students of the Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary and Bachelor’s Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), to whom she offered a valuable perspective in the module of Fundamentals of Special Education: Processes of Attention to Diversity.

Alba Tapia, holder of a master’s degree in Special Education having presented a paper exploring the connection between dyslexia, reading, and ADHD, proposing meaningful interventions in this area, gave a presentation that addressed crucial issues related to special education, focusing on the processes of attention to diversity.

The format of the talk was designed as a round table discussion, where Alba answered questions and shared her practical experience in managing diversity in an educational center. The objective, according to Professor Oliver Ramos, was not only to offer a theoretical and legal perspective but also to provide a practical and enriching vision from the field. “The involvement of professionals in our classes not only enriches the experience of the master’s students, but it also creates an environment conducive to reflection and discussion on the practical application of theoretical concepts in the real educational context,” she said.

With a professional career that spans three different educational stages, from kindergarten to high school, Alba Tapia has left her mark in teaching, first in private education and currently in public schools. Her experience is reflected not only in the classroom but also in the field of guidance, managing the attention to diversity in her day-to-day work as an integral part of a guidance team.

This initiative, promoted by the UNEATLANTICO team, seeks to provide the master’s students with a deeper understanding of the practical aspects of attention to diversity, integrating theory with the real-life experience of leading professionals in the field of special education.