Freshman Computer Engineering students program video games

07 Jun 2017
Freshman Computer Engineering students program video games

Freshman students of the Degree in Computer Engineeringof theEuropean University of the Atlantichave submitted their final projects, for which they had to design and program video game, some of them of a great quality in terms of graphics and entertainment. The project was included in the subject Programming II, taught by professor Juan Tortajada and has been developed in teams of two students.

The video game called “Lucha contra el cronómetro” was developed by students Alberto Ruiz and Ana Ceano-Vivas . It shows some buttons and a counter for two players who challenge each other to give the maximum number of mouse clicks in a given time.

On the other hand, the team formed by the students  Douglas Rodriguez and Bruno Colmenares  launched the game “Black Jack“, in which players place a bet on their respective positions, known as “boxes”. Each table clearly shows the minimum and maximum bets the players can place, and the bet amount can be selected by clicking on the card icon, which will display the correct value of the bet.

Patricia Alvarenga and Blanca Guzmándeveloped “Jackpot“, in which, to win the prize you must get progressive jackpots. “Bravewarriors” is the title of the project whose authors are Kevin Ardón and Carlos Anuarbe and it has the usual characteristics of a fighting game similar to“dungeons and dragons”, with knights, wizards and magical creatures.

The game presented by Eddy Loarca and Carlos Andrés García, “Tron” attracts all the attention, for players must maneuver quickly and accurately and make their opponent crash into the walls they leave behind as they move forward.

Allá tú” was designed by Ephraim Salazar and Luis Roberto González and it consists of a number of cases that represent different amounts of money. The player chooses one of the briefcases, being unaware of its value. Then, the player opens the briefcases one by one to know their value. Meanwhile, the player may receive offers from the “banking”, which wants to buy the briefcase for the lowest possible value.

The rest of the projects were carried out by Karlo Lopez and Nai Saadat (“Simón“), Oscar Gasparella and Milton Castillo (“Battleships“). Fernándo Vásquez y Sergio Noh (“Pixel Food”), Carlos Padilla y Fernando Paniagua (“Tetrix modificado”), Jaime Cuéllar y Carlos Villanueva (“Monopoly Cántabro”), Daniel Colmenares y Alejandro Renderos (“2048”), Larisa Hernández y José María Rivera (“SuperBalón”), David Alvarado y Juan Fernando Cardona (“Pizzeria Carbonara“), Guatvo Adolfo Olaya y Javier López (“Memorama”) y Sergio Díaz, Néstor Mejía y Javier Calderón (“Tres en raya”).